Decoding Pediatric Cavities: Understanding Causes, Recognizing Symptoms, and Seeking Treatment

The prevalence of cavities in young children and adolescents has become a troubling fact of life. Primarily driven by the sugar and starch-infused foods in the American diet, studies show that 42 percent of children between 2 and 11 years old have at least one primary tooth cavity. Youngsters from 6 to 11 experience tooth decay in a permanent tooth, and more than half of minors require pediatric dentistry to resolve a cavity.

Parents and caregivers must see a pediatric dentist regularly before early decay leads to a childhood tooth extraction. The team at our Ponte Vedra family dentistry practice is committed to helping families avoid dental conditions and enjoy the beautiful smile they deserve. We hope the following information about pediatric cavities proves helpful.

What is a Cavity?

Cavities typically start with the formation of plaque between and on the teeth. This colorless film results from normal bacteria in the mouth coming into contact with carbohydrates, starches, and bits of food. As we know, the modern diet is chock-full of healthy and unhealthy carbohydrates. When oral bacteria feed on carbohydrates, they produce acids, and the mixture in your mouth creates plaque.

Sticky acid-laced plaque becomes embedded in between teeth and starts to erode the protective enamel. Once this hard outer protection breaks down, the tiny holes that form are the beginning of sometimes severe cavities and gum disease. Parents tend to notice cavities once they have widened and turned black. Some cavities drill deep into a child’s root, causing the youngster significant pain and discomfort.

What Causes Pediatric Cavities?

The causes of pediatric cavities are relatively well known. Sugary beverages and candy are obvious cavity risks. However, other foods with sugars and starches may also spur plaque formation.

  • Alcohol
  • Cherries
  • Crackers
  • French Fries
  • Juice
  • Milk
  • Pineapple
  • Potato Chips
  • Prunes
  • Raisins
  • White Bread

The point is that parents would be well served to be wary of various foods with carbohydrates, starches, and even acid options such as pickles.

Telltale Signs of Pediatric Cavities

As adults, we know that a dark spot on a tooth is probably a cavity, meaning it’s time to visit your Ponte Vedra dentist promptly. However, there are other signs, particularly in young children, that parents may not necessarily attribute to tooth decay. These are telltale signs your child may need a cavity treated.

  • Difficulty Biting or Chewing
  • Persistent Bad Breath
  • Sensitivity to Hot and Cold
  • Sensitivity to Sweet Foods
  • Stain on Their Teeth
  • Tooth Pain or Discomfort
  • White or Brown Spots on a Minor’s Teeth

As a dentist on whom Ponte Vedra communities rely, we understand the challenges of keeping children on a healthy diet. With seemingly healthy options such as milk infused with sugar, some plaque level is inevitable. Fortunately, parents can take proactive measures to minimize plaque and reduce the risk of pediatric cavities.

Best Ways to Treat Childhood Cavities

Parents can reduce the risk of pediatric cavities in two ways. First, evaluate the amount of sugars, starches, and acidic content in their everyday diet. Then, take steps to replace plaque-generating items with healthier choices. For example, pack a lunch that includes a good protein with a side salad instead of a bulky roll or white bread. Aside from tweaking your child’s diet, consider the following preventative and post-cavity treatments.

  • Brush Twice Daily
  • Use Mouthwash After Eating Sugary Foods
  • Floss After Meals Involving Carbs
  • Have Your Child’s Teeth Cleaned regularly

It’s also prudent to contact our Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry office if your child shows any of the telltale signs of a cavity or other oral symptoms.

Take Care of Pediatric Cavities With Ponte Vedra Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

Prevention is the best way to keep your child’s mouth healthy and smile bright. Our office is designed to make the experience as pleasant as possible for your little one. Whether your child has developed cavities or needs regular checkups and cleanings, we’re here to help. Schedule an appointment today and experience the difference between Ponte Vedra Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics.

