Common Children’s Dental Injuries: What Parents Should Know

Ensuring children’s health, including dental health, is a top priority for parents. Dental injuries can be just as significant as other health concerns. Knowing how to respond and provide appropriate follow-up care is crucial. At Ponte Vedra Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we are committed to delivering exceptional pediatric dental care and keeping parents well-informed about their children’s oral health. Here is a brief overview of common dental injuries in children and the best ways to respond to them.

Caring For a Dental Injuries

Injuries to your child’s teeth should be treated like other common injuries. If your child has injured a tooth, be sure to check for bleeding, apply pressure if it is safe to do so, clean the injury, and assess how bad the injury is. What you can do does depend on the type of injury. While any major injuries should be taken to the emergency room, we can help with some injuries at Ponte Vedra Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics.

Common Injuries

Children are very active, and tooth injuries are common. Some of the most common types of injuries that a pediatric dentist encounters include chipping, a tooth fracture, or knocking a baby tooth out. With quick thinking and care, your child’s dental issue can be addressed. Here are care tips for several of the most common dental issues.

A Knocked Out Tooth

If a permanent tooth is knocked out, fast action can allow for the tooth to be re-implanted. First, control the bleeding. If it is too severe, take your child to the emergency room. Permanently reattaching a tooth is time sensitive so get to the dentist within an hour to increase the chances of successfully re-attaching the loose tooth. If you can’t reset the tooth, place it in a glass of cold milk or wrapped in a wet cloth. Note that even if you can’t find the tooth, dental care is still needed to address any other damage to the mouth.

A Baby or Permanent Tooth Is Knocked Out Of Position

Accidents such as a sudden fall can cause a tooth to become knocked out of place or bent while still staying in the socket. When an accident like this happens the proper steps are similar to if the tooth was fully knocked out. You should stop any bleeding, gently push the tooth back into place, have your child gently bite down on cloth or gauze, and get to Ponte Vedra Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Even if the tooth isn’t fully knocked out it can still fall out later without proper dental care.

Dealing With a Tooth Chip

A fractured or chipped tooth is an issue that can be addressed by a dentist. A minor chip can be fixed by applying a filling or dental bonding. In cases where the damage is more notable a dental crown may be needed to repair the tooth. Chipping (even to baby teeth) should be checked by a dentist as soon as possible. If there is bleeding, address that first. Then have your child rinse their mouth to remove any debris or tooth fragments. If you can save any tooth fragments, bring those to the dental appointment to assist with treatment. If there is severe damage or pain, visit a dentist as soon as possible. A cold compress can also reduce swelling and discomfort at the location of the injury such as the cheek or face.

Choose Ponte Vedra Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

When you need dental care for your child, Ponte Vedra Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics is here to help. We are dedicated to providing your child with the best in dental care in a comfortable and supportive environment. Reach out to us today to learn more.

